Sunday, December 17, 2006

Star Wars

Star wars is my favorite movie. It's action and sci-fi but there are a few politics about galaxy and stars system. there are six episodes. Episode1-2 is about young Skywalker's voyage to become the Jedi.
It mention about mission of Qui-Gon-Jin and his padawan, Obi-Wan Kanubi to protected Queen Amidala in her journy. During the journy,her ship was damaged. It was necessary to landing in Tattoin for repairing the ship that was the first time that Qui-Gon and Amidala met Anakin.Anakin was slave ,but he was the best pilot in the galaxy with 9 years old.He help Qui-Gon with gamble in racing for value of equipment. After the mission complete, They would return to Nabu.They fighted with Dark mall. In the end Dark mall was defeated ,but Qui-Gon was died too.
Anakin became a powerful jedi. He grew up to be a handsome jedi. There was new mission that about protection senatess ,Padme' Amidala from the hunter of dark lord. During the mission, Anakin found in love with Padme'.
Anakin dreamed to his mother.In his dream, she was suffering and died. Next morning, Anakin asked Padme' to go to Tattoin,his home town and she accept his offer.
After Anakin and Padme' arrived Tattoin, They began finding Anakin's mom. She was slave.she was sold for famer who live far away formthe city. Anakin went to famer's home to meet his mother but the famer told him thar his moter was arrest by sand people.They would kil his mom. Anakin got anger that is the way to turn to the dark side.He went to sand people's place and met his mom before she died.After she died, Anakin got more anger and killed all of sand people. Then,He bring the corpse of his mom back.
In other side, Obi-Wan with his mission, he spied on the Camino system where produce the clone army ,but he was arrested by droy army. Padme' decided to help Obi-Wan with Anakin but at last both of them was arrested by droy too.
Then , Mace Windy arrived Camino system with Jedi army. It's a mission for help Obi-Wan,Anakin and Padme'. The Jedi were defeated but Yoda leaded the clone army to help the Jedi in the battle field. The clone army defeat and destory droy army.
In the clone wars,Count Duku,the old Yoda's padawan was leader of the droy army.He was the dark lord's follower. He tried to escape but Obi-Wan and Anakin followed him. Anakin run to Duku with Light Saber but he was damaged by lighting of Duku. Obi-Wan must to duel Duku with light saber alone. Obi-Wan lost Duku but Anakin saved his life from the light saber. At last Anakin was defeated too and Duku cut his arm off. Yoda walk in suddenly. He fight Duku by the force ofthe jedi. And then they deul with light saber.
During fighting, Duku destoried the wall that was in front of Obi-Wan. Yoda must help him. And let Duku escape. Duku went to his master and brought the plan of Death Star to his master
After the clone war, Anakin married with Padme'.It was a secert wedding.