Sunday, November 4, 2007

The first post

This is once again that I study in your class. I'm very impressed and surprise that I have been there. Before I know who is the teacher in my class, I think it was A.Clarton. Because you had ever told me that you didn't teach in English for law III.
In your class, I think I won't feel uneasy because I had ever learnt with you before. I worry about changing of the teacher ,because It means I have to adapt myself for a new class. In the other hand, If I learn with the teacher who had ever tought me before. I don't have to adapt myself anymore. I think it's the important thing that can make me get a good great in this semester because I think I know what I should do or not (At less I think I know more than another teacher haha).
For me I like your class in this semester more than last semester because There is a few people in the class and the class is a little quiet. I think participation in the class is the important thing that can make student's English improve but I think students who speak loundly and talk about something that doesn't relate with a topic in the class is no good. They disturb the class and another student too, including you who are the teacher. I think If there are less student, It means there are less problem too haha.
I already have a lesson in last semester. I think I didn't pay attention in your class, didn't do homework on the times and didn't read a book (I mean er... novel limitation and American's crime) enough. That is why Nattapong had got a better great than me -_-" haha. I think I should pay more attention and read a book more. I think that is a solution to make me win Nattapong in this semester
Finally, I'm glad to study with you again. I will try to be a good syudent la haha.
Failed you ,I won't

1 comment:

Pom said...

-.- ??? I think you will get A in this semester because you are very clever , pay attention a lot in class ... and never use a mobile in class . You are very good student . Honor student . Wow!!!