Monday, August 27, 2007

One of my relaxing day and a girl meet Bossanova

Today is one of my relaxing day haha. I have only one class on monday. I have a meeting in the evening about 6 o'clock with my girlfriend same as last week. That mean I have to wait her for 5 hours and a half.
After I finished my English class, I had gone to "Green Sofa",the game cafe'. I went to there with my friend,Ruud and Tern(One of your student haha^^). We played football game, Winning Eleven 12 Plus. I think I won most of all but I lost Ruud only. He used Cristaino Ronaldo knocked ball past my Nesta and pasted to the centre to his Rooney. Rooney could sent the ball in to the goal fantastically.Before his Wayne Rooney attempted to score, My Ac Milan lead his Manchester United 2-1 in extra time. It mean that goal made us draw and we had to play a penalty kick. I lost him at last. He could talk about this match until next Monday -_-"
After we finished, Tern go to The Central Rama 2. Ruud and I had to go to Soi Ram 24. I wnet to Soi Ram 24 with him by Taxi. then I went to Siam to wait my girlfriend by boat. In my opinion, Boat wasn't a good choice. There were bad smell from the river. It was very dirty. In the other hand, I could save my money. I paid only 16 Bath from Ram to Central world ^^.
After I arrived Pratoonumb station(near Central world),I went to Saron Shop that located opposite Central World to buy hair spray and hair mood for my mother. Its cost about 320 bath. The I went to Siam Paragon by walking. I got in to Central World pass Zen and went out on the Skyline that connected BTS Siam Paragon Station , Central World and Shidlom station. I took about 5 minute to walk to Siam Paragon. I arriveded Siam Paragon at about half past four.It mean I had to wait my girlfriend for hour an a half ,so I decied I spent my time to sat in coffee shop that I liked. I went to Kinokuniya where located on 3th floor ,Siam Paragon to buy some books. I bought the book's named How to get idea (It's my favourite kind).Then I went to True Urban Park where locted beside Kinokuniya. After that, I sat down and called the waiter to order the coffee. I ordered hot Late'.(I forgot to told you.My favourite drinks was coffee I think It same as you ^^)I liked True Urban Pack because there made me felt "This was my place" I could sit and relax. I felt like I escaped from worried up here. Moreover,I liked backgroud music here.I liked Jazz.
Beteew I sip my Hot Late'(already worm haha)and read my book, I heard the music. It was Pop but there are a little Jazz.The Singer who sang this song was female. She is foreigner.Her voice was very sweet. I was very impress. I asked the waiter who stand beside my table " Who was a singer?". " Olivia Ong",He said. I could reconize her name. After I wnet out True Urban Pack, I went to CD shop in Siam Paragon and found "Olivia Ong". There are 3 alblum of her.Its cost was about 600 bath per disc.It was very expensive,I think.I wasn't a rich man.I didn't have money enough. Then I went to meet my girlfriend.
After I arrived home, I searched her name in the Google.She was Singaporean but now she was in Japan for training. 3 alblum that she had were a girl meets bossanova(2005),a girl meets bossanova 2 and the lastest,Fall in love with Olivia(2006).
i think She was very cute. She was only 19 haha.Now I think She was my favourite Artis haha
Finally, I have and example for you.It was a song in her alblum Agirl meet Bossanova 2.There is I'll move on, Make it Mutaul and L-O-V-E. Wish u like her too haha

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New knowledge of Star Wars

I have to interview myself first haha. I'm a big fan of Star wars. I like Star wars so much. My favourite movie, Star wars is. I know many thing about Star Wars. In my opinion, There are many people that like Star wars. In the other hand, there are a lot of people that don't like Star Wars too. I have ever ask someone who didn't like Star wars. Why?It was my question. Most of them answered me that they didn't like Star wars because Star Wars was a action movie.Most of them didn't like action sci-fi movie but I heard other answer. "It's hard to understand" they said. Althought,there are many reason that made a lot of people didn't like Star Wars but, I still like it very much. It's very attractive and interesting.I have ever seen Star wars all Episode. There are 6 episode. They talk about story of Anakin Skywalker that I had ever took you since I was in English I. But the interesting thing doesn't be in any episode. I have a New knowledge of Star Wars. I have got it from the game that I have played. It call Star Wars : Knight of the old republic II. This game was about the matter before there are the Republic in the movie about 1000 years. Since Dark lord in the picture ruled the galaxy. It's a legend of the Jedi. I know a lot of thing from this game about the dark side of the force that there are lighting , Grip , Drain , etc. Jedi's force such as Heal, Absorb , Protection. or General force that Jedi and the Sith have such as jump power, pull and push power. If you wanna know what each force can do you can ask me ^^.
But the new thing that I know today is about the Light Saber that Jedi or the sith use. It's about meaning of colour of the light Saber. Every one know The Sith or the Dark Jedi use a red light saber. But about the Jedi? There are many colour violet, blue , light blue ,green etc.
Violet : A Jedi who use a violet light saber is a powerful jedi. they use a little anger to make them strong like Mace Windo but This Jedi line has a bad thing There are a lot os Jedi in this line turn to the dark side because they use a little anger to make them has a power. It's is the way to make them turn to the dark side too like Coult Doku or Darth maul.
Green : A Jedi who use a green light saber is a speedy Jedi. They have a great speed, pace , agility and versatility such as Yoda and Qui-Gon Jin(Obi-one's master who was died by Darth Mual)
Blue : A Jedi who use a Blue light saber is a defender Jedi. They have a great protection power( a power that protect themself from the physical damage) like Obi-one and Anakin SkyWalker ( Before Qui-Gon died he would like to follow his master that use the green light saber but he saw his master died himself.He didn't want to lose anyone again so He train himself and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker in this line)
Light Blue : It's a colour of light saber of Padawan who doesn't specify the line. You could see Anakin use the light blue in Episode II in the movie(towards the end, you could see Anakin use the green light saber because He was arrested and Jedi helped and threw the green light saber to him. It didn't mean anything)
There are orange and yellow that Jedi in the Jedi's council had ever used but I didn't know that meaning ^^
Finally I love Star Wars haha.

My Birthday

My Birthday is 22th August ,1987 . Now, I'm already 20 years old. Althought, My birthday past for 4 days ago but I have a good experience for this years.
It began at 12.00 o'clock at night. My girlfriend called me and told me taht Happy birthday. It's made me surprise. Then she blessed me that I had a good luck ,good life and good love. She made me smile and be happy very much. After she hanged up, My friends called me and said " Happy Birthday" and blessed me too
At about 1.30 am, Sent sms to me my friend had. She sent it to siad happy brithday too. After that I got bed.
My birthday was on Wednesday that I had Economic class at 12.30 pm. Thus I could get up late.
I woke up about half past ten in the morning. Took a bath and got dress. After that, I went to Lihn's house (My friend) to go to university together. When I met her,She didn't say anything. It made me think she would definitely forget my birthday. Afther we arrived university, I went to the class. Buzz called me and told me Happy birthday. I sat beside her. Then she gave me a present. It was a cake. I knew she didn't mean birthday's cake but It mean Her friend's name haha She knew I like her friend. her name was cake. That was why she gave a piece of cake.It made me very happy because It was a creative gift. I had a quiz in the evening. After quiz, I think I could do it well ^^ . Then I went to Siam Paragon to met my girlfriend by my friend's car there are 4 people in the car. they told me happy birthday all of them. I'm very happy.
After I arrived Siam Paragon, My girlfriend had waited me in Japanese restaurant.It was Fuji.
She gave me a present It was a wallet. It was ELLE. I like it so much. Then we had dinner together. After that we got home together. When I got home My parents gave me a present too. it was a money!!! It was a best present that I had got today haha
I think It's one of my best day in my life.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Relaxing Day

Today, I woke up at 11 o'clock. Beacause of my friend, Neay. He called me to let me play Badminton with him. Afther I woke up, I took a bath, My mobile was ringing again. It was my girlfriend. She called me to let me get up. She knew I had to go to play Badminton at Som - Pong Badminton court. I told her thank you and talk about us from time to time. after that, I continued my taking a bath. When I finished, I called to Neay to arrange him agian.
I met him at 11.30 am at B2S Central Pinklao. He came to Central by his blond Colola Altis. He met me at Central before went to badminton court because He had to buy board for his younger brother. He was 10. I think he was studying in primary school about great 5. I think Neay was better older brother than me
After we finished Neay's brother business, We went to Som - Pong Badminton court. We arrvied Badminton court about a quarter to twelve. A bad news, the court was full. I think It was our mistake because we didn't reserve any Badminton court. But I know owner of this court. She let us play in 15 minute. If the people who had reserved the court already dind't come, she would let me play about 2 hours. But they came after we had played for a half hour.
Then we decided to change Badminton court. Neay told me that there were another 2 court in this area. We decided to go to Coner sport club. There are comfortable thing in this sport club. There are finess ,Table-tennis, Squarsh court ,Badminton court and a comfortable bathroom. It was naturaul style. there are air-conditioner in every room include Badminton court. But The most important thing that I liked in thi sport club was the reception in front of sport club. I was sure the sport club select employee who was the reception very well :-). They were so beautiful everyone I could confirm haha.
After we paid 150 bath forBadminton court, we went to up stair to went to the court. The court was very beautiful. We played about 5 games. I couldn't win Neay any games (It's just for today haha). It was take about 1 hour and a half. After that we went to Puttamonton Sai 2 to have a lunch. I ordered noodles with meet. It was very delicious.I paid about 50 bath for the noodles.
Then we got home and waited for Manchester United at 9.00 pm haha.