Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Birthday

My Birthday is 22th August ,1987 . Now, I'm already 20 years old. Althought, My birthday past for 4 days ago but I have a good experience for this years.
It began at 12.00 o'clock at night. My girlfriend called me and told me taht Happy birthday. It's made me surprise. Then she blessed me that I had a good luck ,good life and good love. She made me smile and be happy very much. After she hanged up, My friends called me and said " Happy Birthday" and blessed me too
At about 1.30 am, Sent sms to me my friend had. She sent it to siad happy brithday too. After that I got bed.
My birthday was on Wednesday that I had Economic class at 12.30 pm. Thus I could get up late.
I woke up about half past ten in the morning. Took a bath and got dress. After that, I went to Lihn's house (My friend) to go to university together. When I met her,She didn't say anything. It made me think she would definitely forget my birthday. Afther we arrived university, I went to the class. Buzz called me and told me Happy birthday. I sat beside her. Then she gave me a present. It was a cake. I knew she didn't mean birthday's cake but It mean Her friend's name haha She knew I like her friend. her name was cake. That was why she gave a piece of cake.It made me very happy because It was a creative gift. I had a quiz in the evening. After quiz, I think I could do it well ^^ . Then I went to Siam Paragon to met my girlfriend by my friend's car there are 4 people in the car. they told me happy birthday all of them. I'm very happy.
After I arrived Siam Paragon, My girlfriend had waited me in Japanese restaurant.It was Fuji.
She gave me a present It was a wallet. It was ELLE. I like it so much. Then we had dinner together. After that we got home together. When I got home My parents gave me a present too. it was a money!!! It was a best present that I had got today haha
I think It's one of my best day in my life.

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