Saturday, December 1, 2007


Nawaday, I go to university with my friend. In fact, My friend has a car and I go to university with him haha. But... It doesn't everyday. Just only 3 day per week (In fact I have to go unversity 5 day per week, It mean I have gone to unversity with my friend half of all -*-). If I go to university myself, I have to pay at least 150 bath for taxi miter. If I go to university myself every day, I have to pay at pay at least about 3000 per month. It's very expensive in my opinion.
But....I have a problem. My friend have got an accident. that makes my friend's car died haha. My friend's car have broken.I think It take about a month for repairing. and It's my problem. My friend want to live with his friend. That means I have to go to university alone. -*- I have ever ask my parent to live in a students' hostel. My father said "NO WAY". He's so worry about me. He think I definately will hang out with my friend at night. I dont' understand why he think like that. He know I can't drink any alcohol because I'm sensitive with alcohol so much T_T. He doesn't trust me.So does my mother, She agrees with my father. That's why they don't let me live in a students' hostel.
According to my friend's car cash, I ask my parent once again. They said "ok" in this time. They accept my reason that I'm very tried to go to university and It's too expensive to pay for taxi. So they let me live in a students' hostel. But.... another problem was "I can't live alone". I scare about a ghost T_T. I can't find a partner.Most of my friends who have lived in a student hostel already have a partner. How do I do ahhh?

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