Sunday, February 18, 2007

Funny day

Yesterday, I had an appointment a Silom complex building at 7.00 pm but I told my parent that I had ethic class at 4.30 pm. So I had to go out early.I went out with my brother about 3.15pm because It was take about 1 hours and a half from my home to ABAC by public van. I invited him to play winning eleven 10 at Central Pinklao. He told my parent that he go to Central for meet his friend and we went out to play winning together. I won my brother 2 match,so did he. The last match we didn't finish."It's time up." owner say. We played winning about 1 hours and a half. After finish, My brother got home and I went to Siam square. We leave Central Pinklao about 5.30 pm.
I went to Siam square by bus number 79. It pasted Pata Pinklao. It took time about 30 minute to wait the bus and took only 15 minute to get there. I arrived Siam square at 6.15 pm. Whem I arrived,I went to Siam Paragon immediately because I wanna go to toliet. I decide to went to toliety in the 1st floor. During I was going to the toliet. I'm thinking about final examination. When I arrived, I opened the door. I saw sink in the middle of the toliet. I think Paragon was rebuilded. Then I saw everybody look at me and everyone is a lady. Sadddd! I got out from the toliet and go out from Siam Paragon quickly. It was very embarrassed.
After that I decided to Silom to meet my friend. Until I was going out from BTS station. I fall on the stair about 5 step. There are many people in front of me . 2 embarrassing in one day. I told my friend about this when I arrived. She laugh and told me "It's funny"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I C E - [ M ] o N $ [ T ] e R

It's continue from my last post. I alreally told you that I like eating and like to find new restaurant right? Dessert is one of my favorite too but I like to find restaurant more.
Today I go to MBK. I decide to have dinner at Shushi Tel at 3th floor Tokyu side. The restaurant build in dark tone. there are Shushi move around the restaurant. You can take those Shushi. It's discount now.It's only 20 bath per 1 plate that why I choose this restaurant. In addition I order Sasumi set with rice ,seaweed salad and Miso soup. My friend order eel steak set. The food cost is about 600 bath include 8 plate of Shushi ,service charge and VAT alreally. I think food is better and cheaper than Fuji especialy Sasumi Salmon and Hamaji is very soft , sweet and fresh more than Fuji
After the dinner, We go to ice-monster. It's ice-cream shop. I heard about ice-monster before but I never taste. There are a lot of people in the shop. I think the shop is small. I don't know what I wanna eat. My friend decide to have strawberry one.We order that. Afther we got the ice-cream. We decide to have it out side the shop because of a lot of people. I saw the ice-cream. There are strawberry ice-cream on the top .It's on a lot of fresh strawberry. In the bottom,there are ice with mike. I think It won't be tasty but I'm wrong. It's very delicious. The ice- cream get along with ice well. It's really good. I'm very full. After I arrived home. I weigh. It's increase about 2 kg.(haha)

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Eating is one of my favourite activity in my free times (haha). I think there are a lot of people that like this activity like me. So, I like to find new restaurants that have different kind of food and different atmostphere. I can go with anyone. It depend on that situation and opportunity. It's definitely different between go out with a lot of people and go out with a few people. The kind of restaurant that we choose will be different too.
I think I have a lot of restaurant list. Last time, I went to Sanuki-Un. It's in Sukumvit road. I can't remember number of road but It's near BB building and G'MM buildding.
There are a lot of Udonk menu ( Japanese noodel ) . I order Udonk fire with beef.It's very delicious.Beef is very soft and nice smell. My friend order cool and fresh Udonk ( Udonk in water that eat with Sho-yu and Wasabi ) I think It's acceptable not really good but it's okay. I think because It's japanese style.It's different than Hajibung or Fuji that is thai style but I like it. If you want to have dinner in Sanuki-Un,you have to go there early because I think It's very famous in that area.The chefs make Udonk that customer order only. That why Udonk in Sanuki-Un is always fresh and tasty.
After my dinner, I went out Sanuki-Un to call taxi I saw Japanese restaurant in G'MM building. It's Hong Yu. I asked my brother when I arrived home about this restaurant. He told " that restaurant is better than Fuji.It's a little more expensive than Fuji but It's more fresh and it's japanese style. Hong-Yu is next restaurant that I will.