Sunday, February 11, 2007

I C E - [ M ] o N $ [ T ] e R

It's continue from my last post. I alreally told you that I like eating and like to find new restaurant right? Dessert is one of my favorite too but I like to find restaurant more.
Today I go to MBK. I decide to have dinner at Shushi Tel at 3th floor Tokyu side. The restaurant build in dark tone. there are Shushi move around the restaurant. You can take those Shushi. It's discount now.It's only 20 bath per 1 plate that why I choose this restaurant. In addition I order Sasumi set with rice ,seaweed salad and Miso soup. My friend order eel steak set. The food cost is about 600 bath include 8 plate of Shushi ,service charge and VAT alreally. I think food is better and cheaper than Fuji especialy Sasumi Salmon and Hamaji is very soft , sweet and fresh more than Fuji
After the dinner, We go to ice-monster. It's ice-cream shop. I heard about ice-monster before but I never taste. There are a lot of people in the shop. I think the shop is small. I don't know what I wanna eat. My friend decide to have strawberry one.We order that. Afther we got the ice-cream. We decide to have it out side the shop because of a lot of people. I saw the ice-cream. There are strawberry ice-cream on the top .It's on a lot of fresh strawberry. In the bottom,there are ice with mike. I think It won't be tasty but I'm wrong. It's very delicious. The ice- cream get along with ice well. It's really good. I'm very full. After I arrived home. I weigh. It's increase about 2 kg.(haha)

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