Sunday, February 18, 2007

Funny day

Yesterday, I had an appointment a Silom complex building at 7.00 pm but I told my parent that I had ethic class at 4.30 pm. So I had to go out early.I went out with my brother about 3.15pm because It was take about 1 hours and a half from my home to ABAC by public van. I invited him to play winning eleven 10 at Central Pinklao. He told my parent that he go to Central for meet his friend and we went out to play winning together. I won my brother 2 match,so did he. The last match we didn't finish."It's time up." owner say. We played winning about 1 hours and a half. After finish, My brother got home and I went to Siam square. We leave Central Pinklao about 5.30 pm.
I went to Siam square by bus number 79. It pasted Pata Pinklao. It took time about 30 minute to wait the bus and took only 15 minute to get there. I arrived Siam square at 6.15 pm. Whem I arrived,I went to Siam Paragon immediately because I wanna go to toliet. I decide to went to toliety in the 1st floor. During I was going to the toliet. I'm thinking about final examination. When I arrived, I opened the door. I saw sink in the middle of the toliet. I think Paragon was rebuilded. Then I saw everybody look at me and everyone is a lady. Sadddd! I got out from the toliet and go out from Siam Paragon quickly. It was very embarrassed.
After that I decided to Silom to meet my friend. Until I was going out from BTS station. I fall on the stair about 5 step. There are many people in front of me . 2 embarrassing in one day. I told my friend about this when I arrived. She laugh and told me "It's funny"

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