Saturday, January 19, 2008


According to I have moved to live in the dorm with my friend, my life style have changed. In my opinion, even to live in the dorm with my friend is good , there are something that is bad for me. So… this part of my life is call “living in the dorm”
Normally, I had chosen the subject that I had to learn in the morning. It’s because I had to go to University with my friend. He was Neiy. He was a getting up early person so he had chosen all of the subject that he could learn in the morning like Public financial & taxation that started at 9 o’clock, World civilization that started at 8 o’clock -_-“. It meant we (Neiy, my friend & I) had to wake up about 5 o’clock to take a bath and get dress to go to the university. That made me so tried. I spent the time on the weekend to recharge myself (sleep).
I spent about 2-3 hours each day on the road. The way between ABAC and my home that I used had a damest traffic jam. It was so boring -_-“ . Moreover, if I went to ABAC by myself I had to pay for taxi at least about 200 bath from my home to ABAC. That was very expensive for me -_-“
After Neiy had got an accident, I had to go to the university by myself. My parents decided to solve this problem by living in the dorm of mine.
I had already told u about my dorm’s experience. I think it was okay about life in the dorm. I had saved my money, saved my time and I could sleep longer than I live at home , but….anything didn’t be that I thought….
I was a private person. Sometimes, I wanted to live alone to read some books (I didn’t mean text books haha) to listen to music that I like or to be with myself ,but I couldn’t. Mick & Name were a good friend. They asked me to go to “Bonus”,the internet cafĂ© to play Crysis. I had no private time. That was a bad thing. When we were in the dorm, my friend would ask me to play Winning Eleven, the football game of Playstation 2TM. I thought it was okay na but I didn’t have my private time anymore herr -_-“. Although I was in the dorm, Mick & Name would ask me to do something what they wanted to do. Moreover, they were a sleepless person. They got bed about 4 o’clock. I thought it was nearly morning yet -_-“. It meant I have to sleep in the same time with them because I couldn’t sleep with the light and the noise. It disturbed my sleeping so much. When I had a world civilization class at 8 o’clock, I was very sleepy. Moreover, I had ever jumped the class twice. It was because I couldn’t get up in the morning. That was some bad thing in my dorm’s life style.
This is my room-mates picture. Left names Mick. Right names Name. ^^ So handsome hahah.....

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