Monday, February 18, 2008

Betong III

This is the final post (5th) in this semester . At first, I have to say “thank you” to you before. Because you have been my English teacher since I was studying in English I. Now, I’m learning English III. I have learn English for law with you 3 semester leaw naa. Although I have ever told you already ,but I wanna told u again. I’m very glad to study with you na. You’re very good English teacher that I have ever met in ABAC jing jing na (I’m ok, If you give me some special mark for this sentence na haha). Finally, Hope to see you again as my teacher in ENGLISH IV naa ^^
According to the last post ,I was on a journey to go to Betong for visiting my grandmother who had a problem with her heart that made she was in a hospital. My father worried about so much. That was why we had to went to Betong
26th January 2008 ,We arrived Betong about 4 PM. It took very long time to get there. It was because Betong was a part of Ya-la where had had a civil war. So we had to cross this area for our safety. We decided to alight from the train at Butter-word, a part of Malaysia to avoid this area. It took about 2 hours and a half form Butter-word to Betong. ( this rate didn’t include a waste time at the international checkpoint).
After I arrived my grandmother’s home at Betong ,my uncle told me that I had to went upstairs to see my grandmother who was sick. She had just left the hospital thee day before. I went to upstairs quickly. When I met her, she was crying. She told me that this was a first time that she saw me in 9 years. I had never seen her in last 9 years. That made me very impress because she made me felt she really wanna saw me haha. She told me that she love me. I sit beside her , hold her and told her that I love her too , got along well soon na. After that, my father did the same thing. He loved his mom (my grandmother) so much I confirm.
I stayed at Betong to take care my grandmother with my parents for 2 day. It was a quiet fun ( I didn’t me I was glad to see my grandmother sick naa -_-“). I had met my folk. It was most fun. We played poker, blackjack and something that relate about the card to gamble. If who lost ,he would have to drink a big glass of water haha. After that, I had gone to Hard-Yai to the a airplane to go to Bangkok to come in your class. I had to pass Malaysia again. It took about 3 hours. I went to Bangkok by Nok-Air airline alone. My parents wanna safe their money about 2,000bath. So they decided to go to Bangkok by train. The flight attendant of Nok Airline was a very beautiful seriously haha. I had dinner at Don-Mueng airport alone--_--“.

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