Monday, February 18, 2008

Betong III

This is the final post (5th) in this semester . At first, I have to say “thank you” to you before. Because you have been my English teacher since I was studying in English I. Now, I’m learning English III. I have learn English for law with you 3 semester leaw naa. Although I have ever told you already ,but I wanna told u again. I’m very glad to study with you na. You’re very good English teacher that I have ever met in ABAC jing jing na (I’m ok, If you give me some special mark for this sentence na haha). Finally, Hope to see you again as my teacher in ENGLISH IV naa ^^
According to the last post ,I was on a journey to go to Betong for visiting my grandmother who had a problem with her heart that made she was in a hospital. My father worried about so much. That was why we had to went to Betong
26th January 2008 ,We arrived Betong about 4 PM. It took very long time to get there. It was because Betong was a part of Ya-la where had had a civil war. So we had to cross this area for our safety. We decided to alight from the train at Butter-word, a part of Malaysia to avoid this area. It took about 2 hours and a half form Butter-word to Betong. ( this rate didn’t include a waste time at the international checkpoint).
After I arrived my grandmother’s home at Betong ,my uncle told me that I had to went upstairs to see my grandmother who was sick. She had just left the hospital thee day before. I went to upstairs quickly. When I met her, she was crying. She told me that this was a first time that she saw me in 9 years. I had never seen her in last 9 years. That made me very impress because she made me felt she really wanna saw me haha. She told me that she love me. I sit beside her , hold her and told her that I love her too , got along well soon na. After that, my father did the same thing. He loved his mom (my grandmother) so much I confirm.
I stayed at Betong to take care my grandmother with my parents for 2 day. It was a quiet fun ( I didn’t me I was glad to see my grandmother sick naa -_-“). I had met my folk. It was most fun. We played poker, blackjack and something that relate about the card to gamble. If who lost ,he would have to drink a big glass of water haha. After that, I had gone to Hard-Yai to the a airplane to go to Bangkok to come in your class. I had to pass Malaysia again. It took about 3 hours. I went to Bangkok by Nok-Air airline alone. My parents wanna safe their money about 2,000bath. So they decided to go to Bangkok by train. The flight attendant of Nok Airline was a very beautiful seriously haha. I had dinner at Don-Mueng airport alone--_--“.

Betong II

According to the last post, I was staying on the train with my family. Last time, I mentioned about the bed of the train. It was useful ,although It looked uncomfortable. After I was talking about the bed with my family, we have my first dinner on the train. Its sound liked a something romantic thing but It wasn’t haha. My parents carried our dinner too. My father said “Everything on the train is very expensive. Moreover, It’s very dirty too”. That was why my father carried the dinner with us. He didn’t want to buy any food on the train (In my opinion, some product on the train was very interesting because of its smell la I though. For example, Smell of Tom Yum Kung or something like this. While I was smelling, I had to have dinner from the a stack of cylindrical vessels -_-“. That was very sad. My father didn’t think the food that he was carrying wasn’t delicious. It made me feel uneasy)
Our dinner has a fire rice ,fire wing chicken ,sausages and fire eggs. All of them It was from my mother ( I’m very impress with my mother cooking. I don’t want her to cook anymore. My father’s skill of cooking was more better than my mom. I don’t wanna eat it ,If it’s unnecessary. Don’t tell my mom naa I don’t wanna be hilled haha ;-P). Fortunately, we carried PEPSI together. I thought PEPSI made food that you ate together more delicious.
We finished our dinner at about 6 o’clock. That moment, I thought we was in Hua-Hin. I had never go to Hua-Hin before. I wanna go there na ,If there was a chance. After the dinner, I spent the time with my family to talk about my future. When I graduated, they wanted me to study in a master’s degree. If it was possible, they wanted me to study in a doctor’s degree. They asked me what did I want to study for. Although I was studying in faculty of law, I wanted to study in a master’s degree in a Master of Business Adminstration. I thought I could study in faculty of law successfuly but I didn’t like this major anymore. At first, I thought I liked law because I had ever study at GOGG that was an academic to train people to entrance into the university such as Chulalongkorn University or Thummasat University. But…. I didn’t really like it. I thought I was happy more than when I studied statistics or something like this. That was why I decided to learn in a master’s degree in a Master of Business Adminstration (MBA).
After we talk about my future, we went to bed at about 8 PM. It was too early to sleep for me. Normally, I slept at about 2 AM. Moreover, It was on the train. The bed was very uncomfortable. That made me couldn’t sleep. T_T herrr. So I decided to read a book before I went to bed. Finally, I went to bed at about 10 PM ^^


I had already told u that I had to go to Betong to visit my grandmother who was sick on 25th January, 2008. I thought everyone should know that Betong was having a civil war. Betong was one of the 3 dangerous provinces ,but I have to go there -_-“. When my father told me that my family had to enter in this area, I was afraid a little. I had assumed the image of civil war. It would have a many soldiers, a few tank or something like this haha. That made me scared a little. When I told my friends that I have to go to Betong, They asked for a gift made after the journey more than worry about my safety haha. But… I glad to see u show your care about my safety la haha. Anyway I really have to go there on 25th January ,2008
25th January 2008 ,the first day of this journey. My father decided to go to Betong by train. It’s because of my mother. I thought she hated fly haha. My mother’s very scared about the news of falling to the ground of the airplane. That was why I thought that My mom scared to fly.
We got the train at Bang-Bum-Roo Station. We had to go there before 3.30PM. If we couldn’t, we would miss the train. We arrived the station at about 3.00PM. We took about 5 minutes to get there from my home. I felt a little uneasy. Why did I have to hurry myself up to wait the train about a half hour? I didn’t understand. That made me had a problem with my waste time -_-“ . I decided to spend this time to survey the station. I found out a little pond full of water lilies that was very beautiful. Moreover, there are a little garden, a few armchairs and a few stools. That made me thought this station was quiet nice ^^. After that, I waited the train until 3.30PM. The officer told the passenger “ The train will be delay about 20 minute”. That made me felt irritable. I thought why I had to wait the train for 50 minute. How did I waste this twenty minute? To explore the moon? It didn’t rise yet -_-“. I hated waiting (Although, I usually late in your class ;-P haha)
After the time was elapsed ,We got in to the train. I sit on the seat number 32. My parents sit on the seat number 33-34. The seat number 31 that was opposite to me was empty. That mean I could sit 2 seats in the same price haha. I thought the train was very old. There are 2 seats in the one side. These seats could transform to be a bed. There was another bed in the same side. It was upstairs. There was a stair that was located beside the bed. It was used for climbing to get in to the bed upstairs.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


According to I have moved to live in the dorm with my friend, my life style have changed. In my opinion, even to live in the dorm with my friend is good , there are something that is bad for me. So… this part of my life is call “living in the dorm”
Normally, I had chosen the subject that I had to learn in the morning. It’s because I had to go to University with my friend. He was Neiy. He was a getting up early person so he had chosen all of the subject that he could learn in the morning like Public financial & taxation that started at 9 o’clock, World civilization that started at 8 o’clock -_-“. It meant we (Neiy, my friend & I) had to wake up about 5 o’clock to take a bath and get dress to go to the university. That made me so tried. I spent the time on the weekend to recharge myself (sleep).
I spent about 2-3 hours each day on the road. The way between ABAC and my home that I used had a damest traffic jam. It was so boring -_-“ . Moreover, if I went to ABAC by myself I had to pay for taxi at least about 200 bath from my home to ABAC. That was very expensive for me -_-“
After Neiy had got an accident, I had to go to the university by myself. My parents decided to solve this problem by living in the dorm of mine.
I had already told u about my dorm’s experience. I think it was okay about life in the dorm. I had saved my money, saved my time and I could sleep longer than I live at home , but….anything didn’t be that I thought….
I was a private person. Sometimes, I wanted to live alone to read some books (I didn’t mean text books haha) to listen to music that I like or to be with myself ,but I couldn’t. Mick & Name were a good friend. They asked me to go to “Bonus”,the internet café to play Crysis. I had no private time. That was a bad thing. When we were in the dorm, my friend would ask me to play Winning Eleven, the football game of Playstation 2TM. I thought it was okay na but I didn’t have my private time anymore herr -_-“. Although I was in the dorm, Mick & Name would ask me to do something what they wanted to do. Moreover, they were a sleepless person. They got bed about 4 o’clock. I thought it was nearly morning yet -_-“. It meant I have to sleep in the same time with them because I couldn’t sleep with the light and the noise. It disturbed my sleeping so much. When I had a world civilization class at 8 o’clock, I was very sleepy. Moreover, I had ever jumped the class twice. It was because I couldn’t get up in the morning. That was some bad thing in my dorm’s life style.
This is my room-mates picture. Left names Mick. Right names Name. ^^ So handsome hahah.....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hostel III

This is a first post of this semester (after mid-term). I had upset with my blog’s score a little. I accepted all of your warning. I knew it because of me. I had made the blog less than 500 word per a week. That made my score very low (D). However, I will improve my blog to increase my blog’s score after mid-term. I didn’t to get the lower great than C. I didn’t want to learn English for law III again in next semester haha.
According to the last post about permission of my parents to let me live in the hostel. You had left a comment for me. I had read it already. In your comment ,I saw your term "dorm". I had find that word in my dictionary. It means something what I want to mention to. That mean I had used a wrong vocabulary -_-". Because I think you are a great teacher, you definitely won't use the wrong vocabulary, will you? eiei . So I will remember this word and change my next topic to be "Dorm I-III" haha
After I had two roommate ,Mick and Name, I had moved to my new dorm in 10th Dec 07. My parents sent me at the dorm by a car. My father didn’t want to sent me because he thought I was a adult ready (but why didn’t he want me to have girlfriend?-_-“ herrr…..).It was opposite than my mother. She thought I always was her son (It means I’m always a boy who don’t grow yet -_-“). That was why my mom ordered my dad to drive to sent me at the dorm ( I like it in that time la because It’s more comfortable for me than going to the university with carrying the bag (a big one) and laptop.
After we arrived my new dorm, Mick was playing a computer game (Crysis, the action sci-fi game that was very popular in faculty of law). He opened the door and greeted my parents for a moment. My parents asked everything about me from Mick. They tried to find what did I do at the university. Did I pay intention in the class? , Did I always hang with my friend? (I don’t understand why they asked this question to my friend who probably hang out with me more than the other haha). I was very impress with Mick because He knew what he should do. He defended me from the question. That made my parent felt content haha (It means I can’t show this blog to my parents because this blog will make my parents don’t trust me -_-“.It’s not safe for me haha). After that, my parents got home. I told Mick to teach me play Crysis. I learn to play this game expertly for about an hour. Then, I asked him to go to Bonus, the internet café that located near “S” Building, to play Crysis online. That was very most fun. If you had ever play Battle field, I thought I upgrade from battle field. They was property of EA(Electronic Arts).We have to control our cheractor in the first person vision like Counter-strike. My laptop can’t play Crysis perfectly. It required very high prefromance of CPU. (My computer is Intel Centrino Duo 2.0, Ram 2 G, Nvidia GeForceTM 8400M G TurboCacheTM, Windows VistaTM OS .It can’t play Crysis perfectly-_-“)